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Why Is It So Important to Clean Your Smoking Device?

August 3, 2020

Anyone who has ever had the good fortune to sit down and enjoy the benefits of a glass pipe understands the power of a good smoking device. They are beautiful works of art, reflections of both craftsmanship and your personal aesthetic. Of course, along with pipe ownership comes the routine chores associated with owning anything nice: cleaning it. Pipe cleaning in Orlando, FL is vital for a wide variety of reasons. The fight against resin When you first purchase your pipe, it comes as a pristine piece of glass, showing off its truest colors for anyone to see. As it... View Article

How Often Should I Clean a Glass Pipe?

July 20, 2020

If you’re the proud owner of one or more glass pipes in Orlando, FL, you’ll understand how important it is to keep your pipe clean. As you smoke, you will likely notice a thick black goop forming along the inside of your once-pristine piece. Not to worry! It’s known as resin, and it’s just part and parcel of enjoying an occasional smoke with a glass pipe. The formation of resin in your pipe just means that it will need regular cleanings. Depending on the size of your pipe and the frequency with which you use it, it will likely require... View Article

Can You Boil a Pipe to Clean It?

July 2, 2020

Any smoking apparatus is going to get dirty as you use it, and for the best experience, it needs to be kept clean. Get rid of the resin and residue by giving your glass pipe a good scrub every few uses—your tobacco and other herbs will smell and taste better overall. Plenty of people ask if you can boil a pipe to clean it in Orlando—and the answer is yes. Here’s how to boil your pipe to keep it clean, and a bonus method, in case your pipe is on the fragile side. Boiling a glass pipe First, clean as... View Article

Does Synthetic Urine Work?

June 18, 2020

Oops, you’ve been called in for a drug test at work—but you’ve been having a little more fun at night and on weekends than your employer would prefer. Not many people can afford to be fired and have to look for a new job, especially in this day and age, which is why more people are tempted to try synthetic urine in Orlando in an effort to pass drug tests. As you know, cannabis is only legal in Florida with a valid medical prescription. If you don’t have one, your employer can dismiss you if you test positive for that... View Article

The Discreet Smoking Accessories That Every Secret Smoker Needs

May 29, 2020

Not everyone wants the world to know that they’re a smoker. We get it—sometimes you have to hide your favorite vice from the folks around you, wherever you are. But why deprive yourself when you can store your stash in some secret smoking accessories, and leave your people none the wiser? When you want to smoke your favorite tobacco or herbs, but need to be discreet, someone has already anticipated your needs and made the perfect product to help you out. Just like people smuggle alcohol into concerts and venues with fake “sunblock containers” and “ice blocks,” you too can... View Article

New Galaxy Gifts