E-Cigarette Care and Maintenance Basics
Vaping is relaxing and makes for great times spent with friends. However, there’s something that both experienced and novice electronic cigarette users run into from time to time: a dead battery. The good news is that there are ways to extend the life of your device. Let’s ask a vape shop in Orlando for a simple explanation of some of the basics of e-cigarette care and maintenance.
Keep it clean
All types of electronic devices need a good cleaning every now and then. This includes your new e-cigarette. The good news is that cleaning your e-cig is a simple process. A quick wipe-down inside and outside after use can be highly beneficial for the performance of your device. Depending on how often you use it, all your device likely needs is a thorough cleaning about once a week.
The experts also suggest checking that the connections between the battery and cartomizer are clean. All you need to do is occasionally wipe down the connection points with a cotton ball or cotton swab and a bit of rubbing alcohol. If you wait too long in between cleanings to do this, you might need to use a toothpick to scrape off the hardened junk.
Keep it charged
Your e-cigarette runs on a battery, which performs best when you charge it up before it drains completely. You might think about your electronic cigarette battery like you would your smartphone: you probably get a little wary when your cell battery drops below the halfway point, so you plug it into the charger. The same principle applies to electronic cigarettes—when the power gets near 50 percent, go ahead and charge it. It’ll make you sad to go to use your e-cig only to discover you can’t use it because its battery is drained. Regular e-cigarette users might want to have more than one battery on hand to avoid running into a charging issue at an inconvenient time.
Take care of it
Taking care of your e-cig is more about common sense than anything else. For instance, don’t leave it sitting on the dashboard of your car in hot weather, or on your patio table during the cold winter months. Ideally, your device should be stored away safely in a protective carrying case when you aren’t using it. In a protective case, it’ll be safe and less likely to break.
Use it
The reason you bought an electronic cigarette is to use it. Don’t let the fear of having to replace the battery in the future or the need to clean your device keep you from enjoying it. In fact, the more you use your e-cig battery, the longer it will last. This may sound strange, but it’s true. Keep it charged up to allow power to flow through the battery more quickly and easily use after use.
If you are new to e-cigarettes and have questions, head on over to a vape shop in Orlando. The team at New Galaxy Gifts can help you choose the right starter kit or individual device for your needs.
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